Building A Good Credit History
Establishing and maintaining a good credit record goes a long way in attaining future credit or loan approvals. This article provides useful information in maintaining good credit.
Consumer Information from FDIC
The Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) and Electronic Fund Transfers Act (EFTA) establishes procedures for resolving mistakes on credit and bank account statements.
Correcting Credit Mistakes
Maintaining a good credit history includes preventing wrong information from appearing on your accounts. Keeping good records and monitoring your accounts will help catch mistakes when they happen. Learn how to monitor your credit report and correct errors.
Credit and Your Consumer Rights
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforces credit laws that protect your right to obtain, use, and maintain credit. The credit laws protect your rights to fair and equal opportunity to receive credit and to resolve disputes over credit errors.
Credit Repair: Self-Help May Be Best
This site discusses offers to repair your credit. It gives tips on self-help.
Free Credit Reports
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires each of the nationwide credit reporting companies — Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion — to provide you with a free copy of your credit report, at your request, once every 12 months.
How to File a Complaint About a Bank
If you have a complaint about a bank or other financial institution, the Federal Reserve System might be able to help you. Read this first.
Solving Consumer Problems
This site by The Federal Trade Commission suggests simple strategies for resolving a problem you may have with a product or service.
Understanding Consumer Credit
Whether purchasing a car, a television, or a restaurant meal, Americans often use credit to help pay for goods or services. Understanding the types of credit and their costs can help you use credit wisely.
Using Revolving Credit
This site explains the pros and cons of using credit cards. You, however, should be aware of the costs of this form of credit.