Child Custody and Religion
Law and Religion in Child Custody Cases. The Supreme Court has not yet decided a cases involving religion and custody. However, the courts will consider one of the three when deciding custody cases. 1) Actual or Substantial Harm 2)Risk of Harm 3) No Harm Required
Child Custody: Considering the Best Interest of the Child
One of the most serious aspects in a divorce is child custody. When a chancery court judge considers custody issues, the overriding question is "What is in the best interest of the child?" Learn what factors the court will consider in making this decision.
Child's Preference
This site reviews information on the child preference in deciding child custody.
Custody Decisions In Family Court
What Factors Courts Considers When Deciding Who Gets Custody of the Children.
types of Child Custody
This site provides a list of relevant information pertaining to the types of custody suchas legal custody, physicial custody, sole custody, joint custody, joint legal and physicial custody, etc.