Designated Counties for FEMA Relief
Areas included in Hurricane Katrina Disaster Declaration
Foreclosure FAQs
Frequently asked questions concerning mortgage foreclosure and steps to take when facing foreclosure.
Foreclosure Scams 101 Video
This is a quick look at some of the signs o mortgage foreclosure scams.
How Can I Protect My Home From Creditors?
Your home is your castle. Be careful not to lose it to a pirate. A homeowner should be aware of those possibilities and take the necessary steps to prevent such action.
HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agencies
Listing of Mississippi Counseling Agencies approved by HUD.
Making Home Affordable-Refinancing and Modification Initiatives
Explains the 2009 Stimulus package provisions regarding refinancing and modification of home mortgages.
Thinking About a Home Improvement?
This site by The Federal Trade Commission offers tips and checklist to help you.